What can you test on a Newton?

Here at Thermetrics there is one question we get asked all the time…

What can you test on a Newton?

Let’s begin with jackets, shirts, pants, and vests,

Underwear, outerwear, sleeping bag tests.

Athletic gear, uniforms, three-piece suits,

Firefighting bunker gear – helmet to boots.

Clothes for hunting, fishing, and boating,

Clothes for when you’re carbo loading.

Clothes to run in, bike in, walk in, ski in,

Comfortable clothing you just want to be in.

Clothes for football, baseball, hockey, et al,

Clothes to relax in and do nothing at all.

 Clothes that heat, or cool, or breathe, or protect,

Passive, or active, or smart, or E-tex’s,

Military, medical, safety, and sport,

Clothing makes sure no performance falls short.

If a human can wear it, Newton can measure and predict its thermal comfort!

And don’t even get us started on how Newton can also evaluate the environment conditions in buildings and vehicles! Are you intrigued with the possibilities? Would you like to learn more about the advanced capabilities of Thermetrics “Newton” Thermal Manikin System and find out how this technology can be applied to your products? Please call us at 206-456-9119 or send an email to thermal@thermetrics.com, and let the conversation begin!