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We serve customers around the world from our local office and our network of agent partners. Wherever you are, we’re here to help you make life more comfortable!
Need product testing?
Get in touch! We have a worldwide selection of Thermetrics-approved product testing labs that can help you meet your product testing requirements.
North America
Kevin Bengston
4220 – 24th Avenue West
Seattle, WA 98199 USA
Phone: (206) 456-9119
Cellphone: (425) 345-7147
Aki Sirkkola
4220 – 24th Avenue West
Seattle, WA 98199
Phone: (206) 456-9119
Fax: (206) 634-1309
International Agents
Western Europe
MESDAN S.p.A. Via Nazionale 3 25080 Puegnago del Garda (BS)
Phone: +39-0365-653142
Fax: +39-0365-651011 or +39-0365-554187
website: www.mesdan.com
Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Denmark, Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Bosnia/Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Albania, Macedonia, Turkey, and Greece.
Eastern Europe (Romania, Bulgaria, and Moldova)
Mr. Florin Dumitrache
Str. Radovanu #15 Bl.39, Sc.2, Ap.65 022884 Bucharest Romania
Phone: +4021-3241979
Fax: +4021-3246081
Imposub Solutions
Office : 02 “YOGIDHARA”, 2 Nandanvan Society, Near Gas Office, Indubhai Patel Road, Behind Railway Station,
Alkapuri, Vadodara 390 007. Gujarat. India
Phone: + 91-265-2312730 / + 91-76220-79017
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Masahiro Kajioka
IDS Intelligence & Design Systems LTD
1-23-39 Chishima Taisho-ku Osaka, Japan
Phone/Fax: 06-6626-9607
website: www.ids-env.co.jp
South Korea
Mr. Her, Young-Chul, President
Technox, Inc.
B-705, 283, Bupyeong-daero
Bupyeong-gu, Incheon, 21315 Korea
Phone: +82-32-623-6500
Fax: +82-32-623-6509
website: www.technox.co.kr
Taiwan and Vietnam
Mr. Benjamin Hsu, Vice General Manager
GO-IN International Co., Ltd
10F-7, No.375, Sec.4, Hsin Yi Rd.
Tapei, Taiwan ROC
Phone: +886 2-2729-0488
Fax: +886 2-2729-7188
website: www.goin-tw.com
P.R. China
Mr. David Pan, General Manager
Test Group Limited, Shanghai TEST Trade Ltd.
4F-A, 8th building, No.388, Shuanglian Road, Xujing
Qingpu District, Shanghai P.R. China 201702
Phone: 021-62289758
Fax: 021-62281216
website: www.test-tech.com.cn
Malaysia and Singapore
Tay WeeHuat (Joseph)
RevSolution Sdn. Bhd.
No.B11-1-3, Megan Salak Park
Jalan 1/125E, Taman Desa Petaling,
57100 Kuala Lumpur
Phone: +603-90553498
Fax: +603-90553468
Mobile: +6012-7083498