The world’s most advanced thermal manikin
The world’s most popular thermal manikin
Liz, incorporating a female manikin into your testing regimen
Test thermal comfort properties of infant clothing and gear
Put headwear to the test by accurately measuring heat loss
Research the effects of glove design, insulation, and ventilation
The sweating guarded hotplate is best in class in both repeatability and accuracy
The next step in sweating hotplate technology
Measure and assess key moisture management features of your textiles with precision and ease
Test the performance of garments or protective clothing ensembles in a simulated flash fire environment
Bridging specimen and full garment flame testing
Evaluate a fabric’s ability to block convective and radiant heat penetration to avoid burn injury
The Automotive HVAC Manikin measures passenger comfort and environmental conditions in automobile/truck/transit cabins
Test thermal comfort and moisture management characteristics of automobile, truck, office, and airplane seating
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