In early December 2021, Thermetrics held a joint webinar and demo with valued partner Brian Shiels at ArcWear. The event, “Testing PPE with the Flash Fire Cylinder and Hand Devices” showcased both the Flash Fire Cylinder (FFC) and Flash Fire Hand (FFH) systems.
Performance testing of fabrics and garment ensembles made for those working in a hazardous environment is a critical part of development and certification. To meet safety requirements, labs and manufacturers must be testing their products and materials with precision instruments that meet or surpass industry standards.
The Thermetrics-developed cylinder and hand flash fire devices help bridge the gap between flat sample testing and the highly involved, but necessary process of testing garments on a flame manikin. Instruments and methodology for the FF devices have been optimized and validated, and draft ASTM test methods are in the late stages of editing and balloting.
Both the FFC and FFH are currently available for purchase and/or contract testing. Visit the product page for more information about the Thermetrics Flash Fire Cylinder.